Dining Chairs: To Companionate Your Dining Table



After buying the best-suited dining table, you are just half way done to complete a phenomenal centerpiece of your dining room furniture. No, of course, the dining table is nothing more than an extra-large coffee table, until it is paired with some better complimenting dining chairs. You may also go on to choose a readymade dining table set, which includes the dining table and dining chairs well complementing each other. But this might happen that, just a glance of a dining table that seems to meet your requirements, grab your attention and you buy it trusting your instincts. Then, to complete the look, you need to find the dining chairs that add to the look and complement your dining table so well that no guest leaves your place without appreciating about it.

Buying dining chairs must be done cautiously, because we often tend to choose the first set of the chair that we find to be looking compatible to our dining table, giving secondary consideration to the relevant details like quality, size, style, etc. Even if you have got a very simple looking dining table, and appropriately styled dining chairs can boost the look. Firstly, knowledge about the basic types of chairs available in the market is essential. So, check the following:

  1. Upholstered Chairs: These chairs tend to give a very supportive and comfortable seating. The upholstery in the chairs tends to capture the dirt and stains, thereby making it a little difficult to clean and maintain them. Otherwise, the comfort and the elegance that upholstered chair renders remains unmatched. You can also not pair them with a simple small dining table. Instead, a heavy traditional looking table with the cabriolet feet can look great!
  2. Non-upholstered chairs: These type of chairs provide a very clean look and demand for near to little maintenance. An All-wood chair can impart a very glamorous touch to your dining room, along with looking timelessly beautiful. Although they are comfortable too, not more than the upholstered chairs.
  3. Chair with the armrest: These chairs have an extra surface on the either side of the chair, upraised to provide a stand for your arms to rest. These may be upholstered or not- upholstered.
  4. Chair without the armrest: These are also known as side chairs, and they do not support your arm. This is the right choice for the people who like no obstruction while sitting or the ones who find it restrictive and difficult to fit comfortably on the chairs with the armrest.

Having the knowledge about the types available, you must now decide on to which one would suit your style. Proceeding to the style section, you will have to choose one among the following pre-defined styles:

  1. Traditional: The traditional dining chairs have ornate detailing and beautifully curved legs and can effortlessly impart a royal look to your dining room. These may or may not be upholstered.
  2. Contemporary: These style of dining chairs could have any imaginative shape and structure, and provide a good seating space. They can be of wood, plastic or metal but they might not be as comfortable as much as the other ones. Before choosing the contemporary style, do consider the height and style;e of the dining table in the first place.
  3. Ladder-back: Horizontal wooden slots placed equidistant along the back of the chair feature this style of dining chairs. The look simple, yet stylish and tend to give the utmost comfort. This style, being the most versatile one, can fit with any the dining table easily.
  4. Windsor: This dining chair gives a country feel with the unique looking spindle legs and a big round back. These look the best when metal is the material.

Those were some general bifurcation about the style and types of the dining chairs that can help you make a better choice.


Source by Garvit Mehta