How to Find Small Scale Sectional Sofas


A sectional sofa for a small space probably appears to be an oxymoron. How could there possibly be a perfect meeting of the two?

Well, the honest answer is that in the right home, a sectional sofa could actually save you space! Centrally locating sofa pieces within a small living area not only lends to proper seating for conversation and intimacy, but could also make the space feel more spacious.

If seating in one specific spot is not to your liking, with sectional pieces you have the ability to place them however you prefer. This would lend your own personal creative touch to the living room.

Small Sectional Sofas Explained

Now that you know that small sectional sofas are available, you may be asking yourself a few questions. For instance, what would be considered too large or too small for a small sectional sofa?

Good question!

Generally, your living room or living area would dictate the size needed for a small sectional sofa. This is why it is important to take measurements before making a purchase to ensure the sofa pieces would not overpower the small living area. And I will be discussing the measurements of small sectional sofas more in depth below.

However, before going any further, the primary question should be answered, and that is what would be considered a small sectional sofa?

When looking at the number of pieces that make up a small sectional sofa set, 3 pieces are usually the starting point. When furnishing a small living space, anything over 3 to 4 pieces would typically overwhelm the space. You want to make small rooms appear larger and cramming furniture into a tight space would not be conducive to a spacious feeling.

The Right Measurements to Choose

Now that we know what makes up a small sectional sofa, we can get down to business on measurements. To get an idea of what makes up a sectional sofa set, all that is necessary is taking the measurements of a small scale sofa or loveseat and one or two chairs, and then adding them all together.

And once you’ve done that, voila! You have the necessary measurements to define what makes a small scale sectional sofa set.

Let’s go over the measurements now…

  • A small scale sofa is generally 72″ or smaller.
  • To come up with a small scale chair, you would simply divide the measurements of a small scale sofa (72″) by 3 and then you have the size of a small scale chair, which is 24″ wide.

Or, let’s consider option number two…

  • A small scale loveseat is generally 63″ wide.
  • To come up with a small scale chair, you would simply divide the measurements of a small scale loveseat (63″) by 2 and then you have the size of a small scale chair, which is 31.5″ wide.

Add those numbers together and here is what you get…

  • 72 + 24 + 24 = 120″ wide
  • 63 + 31.5 + 31.5 = 126″ wide

Now you have a starting point for the scale of a small sectional sofa.

A starting point for a small scale sectional sofa set is 120 – 126″ wide.

As for the stopping point, you can simply add on an additional 24-31.5″. The stopping point is simply the size that you wouldn’t want to go past for risk of the sectional sofa being too large.

I took the liberty of adding 31.5″ to 126″ wide sectional sofa to come up with the stopping point of 157.5″ wide.

Having a stopping point gives you some leeway. By finding a sectional sofa that falls between 120 – 157″, you have room to work with in your small space. Remember to take measurements first because a 157″ sectional sofa may be perfect for one living area, but considered too large for another.

Also, a few simple guidelines on sectional sofa sizes to consider may help.

  • 120-130″ would be perfect for a small scale solution.
  • 145″ would be a nice mid-size range for small homes.
  • 157″ would be a great size if you can afford the space.

Now that we know the specific measurements for a small scale sectional sofa, how should you go about choosing one?

Choosing the Ideal Sectional Sofa Set

When looking to purchase a sectional sofa, it would be a wise decision to locate a home furnishing store or website that sells each piece individually or as a whole. That way, if a set is too large you could subtract a couple of pieces and if a desired set is too small, you could add an extra piece.

The ability to choose particular pieces allows you to mix and match, therefore, creating your own unique signature “look”.

One place you can find a nice selection is at It will link you up to a nice variety of small scale sectional sofas that can be customized according to your space, style and needs.

To Sum Up

Measurements of small scale sectional sofas have been clearly defined. Sectional sofas in the range of 120-130″ wide would be ideal if you do not have the additional space. If space allows, you could increase the stopping point of the sectional sofa to 145″ or even 157″ wide.

Locate home furnishing establishments that allow you to purchase a sectional sofa as a whole or piece by piece. That way, if the sofa you desire is too large, you can knock off a few pieces to accommodate your small space.

In addition, if you wanted to be creative, you could mix and match different colors and patterns. This would lend a unique personal “stamp” to your home décor.

Having said all of that, remember that nothing is ever “carved in stone”. The bottom line and the deciding factor is what is best for you and is most conducive to your lifestyle and taste in home furnishings.

Source by Tameka Norris