What Are Shock Absorbers?


Often, you will come across many terms that don’t exactly make sense to you. Shock absorbers could be one of those terms. If you think about it, the name says it all – it absorbs shock.

In more detail, a shock absorber is a device that uses hydraulics to control rebound and impact specifically controlling the springs and suspension of the car. The device assists the driver to feel as little bumps as possible for a comfortable drive.

Along with making the ride as smooth as possible, shocks also keep the tyres in contact with the surface of the road at all times. Ensuring that the tyres are constantly in contact with the road will make the drive a lot safer because of how much more control the driver has. Braking response is also ensured with shock absorbers.

So now you know what a shock absorber is but do you know exactly how it works?

These are basically little oil pumps that have a piston inside. The piston will push the oil or hydraulics through tiny holes and valves. The valves and holes are inside the piston that assists with control of the resistance and movement. Because only a small amount of oil is let through the tiny holes or orifices, the piston will get slowed down which will also decelerate spring and suspension movements.

There are also different types of shock absorbers that were manufactured for the different cars. The different types include Conventional Telescopic, Strut Type and Spring Seat shock absorbers.

Conventional Telescopic – these are the standard devices that are so cheap that a mechanic would rather replace than repair. They can be used for front and rear suspension.

Strut Type – these were made specifically for heavier loads. Part of the system is equipped with a strut to withstand the heavier loads on bigger vehicles. Certain parts of this model can be repaired whilst others need to be completely replaced.

Spring Seat – these versions are the two previous shock absorbers almost combined into one. The Spring Seat is the suspension unit and damping unit all in one. They can’t cope with heavy loads like the Strut Type. Sealed off parts would need to be completely replaced instead of repaired.

The shocks are helpful devices that protect the entire wheel as well as the driver. They come in handy with very bumpy roads to avoid any damage to other components of the car. Damaged shock absorbers could lead to damaged wheels then you’ll need to get all those parts replaced and find a wheel supplier that can replace the wheels and tyres.

Source by Morne Lourens