Qualities of a Good Office Chair


Due to today’s technology, enormous amounts of people are spending most of their working hours behind a desk in an uncomfortable office chair. Because of this deskbound lifestyle, more and more individuals are becoming overweight, out of shape, and developing other health problems.

Although a sedentary lifestyle causes health problems in itself, an uncomfortable office chair causes a completely new arena of problems. Hours upon hours in an uncomfortable chair brings about back problems, neck pains, and just overall body aches from bad posture.

Below are guidelines that can help you select the right office chair, therefore reducing body aches, stiffness, and pains.

Buying an office chair is similar to buying a car. Would you buy a car without test-driving it? The same applies to selecting your chair, you need to sit down and feel it out. Again, just as your car, you want comfort; you will spend numerous hours in your car commuting, shopping and running errands. The same philosophy applies to your office furniture. You will be spending numerous hours in that chair so choose wisely.

Below are guidelines as to what you should look for when purchasing your next office chair.

Back support

Your new chair should provide adequate back support. The back support of the chair should also be adjustable to fit properly to your back. The back support of the chair should remain the same as you move and recline in your chair. A good office chair with proper back support will improve your posture and therefore eliminate or reduce back pain and stiffness. Selecting an office chair without adequate back support can cause back problems that could stay with you your entire life.


The padding and design of the seat should be considered. The front of the seat should have a rounded edge. A straight horizontal front will cut off circulation on the backside of the knees. A good tip is that you should be able to slide your fingers between the inside of legs and the front edge of the seat.

Width of the seat and armrests

You need to fit into the chair. If you have to squeeze into the chair then it does not fit, no matter how comfortable it may seem once you are seated. There should be room between the armrests and your body. In addition, the armrests need to interact with the desk. A good office chair will have adjustable armrests. What good are armrests if they are not useable or uncomfortable to use. Quality armrests can help with tasks like reading and writing, and taking pressure and tension off the neck and shoulders.

Height Adjustments

People are not all the same height; therefore, your office chair must have a height adjustment. The specifications to adjust your office chair and to promote good posture are as follows: thighs should be horizontal to the ground while both feet are on the ground and wrists should be straight while typing

If you cannot find an office chair height that allows both of the above, you may want to find a way to alter the height of your keyboard so that you can have straight wrists while typing and your body is aligned properly with the chair and the floor.


Your chair must be stable. Your chair tipping over when you are in it is not funny. Serious and permanent injury can occur. Look for a chair on wheels that swivels and a five-point base that will not flip you over on your head when you recline.

So, take time you are out shopping for your new office furniture, take this article with you. Once you have decided on your new office chair, make sure it possesses all of the above features. As mentioned earlier, a good office chair will improve posture and eliminate aches and pains.

Source by David Chandler